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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Time Management > Time Setup > Customer >
Customer Project Activity Limits
The Project Activity Limits are used to limit hours or value on an activity or project. These limits are enforced during time entry and allows the control of hours entered against activities and projects.

When the time entry is clicked to save and if it exceeds the duration or amount limit then the system will display message stating that the limit has been exceeded for the specific customer/project/activity.


Figure 1:   Project Activity Limit Setup


Project Activity Limits contain the following types of information:



Select a customer

Select a customer from drop down list for whom limit is to be imposed.


Select a project for which limit is to be imposed.


Select an activity for which limit is to be imposed.

Effective Date

This field is the start date of the limit.


The period  upon which the hours and the value is validated.

Use Project Limit

If ticked then the value or hours of the specific project set in the Value field of the Projects menu option is used as the limit. Refer to Figure 2 (Value used $5000).

Limit By User

If ticked then the limit value specified is applied on each user.

Hours Limit

The duration on which the limit is imposed on the selected activity and project.
Value Limit

The amount on which the limit is imposed on the selected activity and project.


If ticked then the limit is enabled to function.



Figure 2:  Project showing usage of Project Limit